User Guide
Nitro PDF Pro for Windows
Get started by browsing the featured categories below, or use the search panel to find a specific article yourself.
Search and find text
1. Press Ctrl+F to open the find bar and enter the search keyword or phrase you want to find. Alternatively, access the search panel through the 'search document' icon in the left side panel, or by clicking the Find button on the Home tab.
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Scanning and OCR a PDF file
Using Nitro Pro you can scan paper documents directly to PDF, with the option of using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for enabling document searching and markup.
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Save a PDF File
With all the possible modifications that can be done to a PDF document, it is important to save copies of the original document as well as the revised and edited versions. Saving frequently can prevent you from losing your changes, and can enable you to perform comparisons between different document versions with the parallel viewing options.
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Rotate Pages in a PDF
Being able to rotate pages is often required when a document contains both portrait and landscape pages, and the text onscreen appears in both vertical and horizontal orientations. For example, a PDF document may contain several pages of text, followed by a table or chart that is oriented such that the text is running up the screen instead of appearing horizontally. With Nitro Pro, you can rotate any page in 90° increments.
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Ribbon Shortcuts
Like most programs, all commands and tools available in the tabs on the ribbon have shortcut keys for faster access. You can also easily view available shortcut keys (including keys for commands on the active tab), to help in learning the shortcuts more quickly.
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Review and Comment in a PDF
The Nitro Pro text mark-up tools let you work with a PDF file as if it were a printed on paper, and you can undo and redo a modification should you wish to correct a mistake.
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Reuse Form Field Appearance Settings
Nitro Pro includes a unique tool that allows you to save the appearance properties used on a form field (such as colors, border and line style) and reuse these properties when creating future form fields. All of the ‘appearances’ you create will appear in the Properties tab.
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Resize and Crop Images in a PDF
The image editing tools let you resize an image proportionally, or you can adjust just the height or width. If you want to permanently remove detail from the edges of images then you can use the crop tool.
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Reset Form Data
One of the most helpful buttons you can create on your PDF forms is one that permits the user to clear populated fields, also referred to as a Reset button. If you are working with a form that doesn’t contain a Reset button,Nitro Pro includes a Reset tool that allows you to quickly clear data from all of the fields in the form.
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Reply to comment
Nitro Pro makes it easy for you to reply to individual comments made by other reviewers. Each reply is linked with the original comment, allowing you to review multiple replies in the Comments Pane. This can streamline electronic document review cycles by organizing multiple replies so that they appear in a thread, and save you from having to sort through them one-by-one.
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Replace an Image in a PDF
The Replace Image functionality lets you remove one image and put another in its place. Once inserted, you can use the full set of image editing tools to correctly position and size the new image.
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Reorder Pages in a PDF
You can easily rearrange pages within your PDF files using the tools in Nitro Pro. With the Pages pane, it’s simply a matter of dragging the pages into the desired order.
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Remove metadata from a PDF
Metadata is supporting information about the PDF document. It can describe properties such as authors, document creation date, reference numbers, information about embedded images, and so on.
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Redaction in a PDF
Redaction permanently removes parts of text or images from a PDF file, and replaces them with black rectangles. This lets you remove sensitive information from a paragraph, table, heading, or a bitmap image. The rest of the document is unaffected, and can be viewed and printed normally.
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Product Tour
The Nitro Pro Product Tour provides you with a quick way to learn how to perform the most commonly used tasks. This is the ideal place for new users to start becoming familiar with the program.
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Print to Nitro PDF Creator
If you use an application that can print files, then you can also use that application to create PDF documents. Nitro PDF Creator is included in Nitro Pro, and is a virtual printer that enables you to create a PDF file from any application capable of printing. Nitro PDF Creator is ready to use without requiring any configuration, and is automatically installed to your Windows printer manager.
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Print PDF Files
With Nitro Pro you can print your PDF documents if you need paper copies for further processing or distribution. Along with the regular print function, Nitro Pro also offers batch printing. See Alternatives to Printing for tools that may reduce the need to print.
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Preview PDF Files
Two of the key components of the PDF workflow are: the ability to exchange PDF documents with peers and colleagues, and the administrative flexibility of digital files over paper documents. In both cases, it is not always intuitive to understand what files are being processed based on the filename alone. To simplify the visual management of PDF files,Nitro Pro integrates its PDF viewing engine into Microsoft Outlook and Windows Explorer, allowing you to view your PDF files and attachments before opening them in Nitro Pro.
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You can configure Nitro Pro to customize the appearance, functions, and conversion settings to suit your workflow.
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Permission settings
The usage permission settings let you restrict what features can be used when a recipient opens a file you have secured. This means, for example, that you can distribute documents that can’t be edited or printed, but can be opened and viewed. Using these permission settings with digital ID certificate-based security gives you even greater flexibility as you can set different permissions for each individual recipient of your file.
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Password security
To restrict access and use of your content, you can secure your PDF file with one of the following types of password:
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