" User Guide | Nitro PDF Pro for Windows
User Guide
Nitro PDF Pro for Windows
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Page through the document
April 23, 2021 05:29 PM
To navigate a PDF file page-by-page, use the Page Controls options on the bar at the bottom of the window:
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PDF to Word and RTF Export Settings
April 23, 2021 05:26 PM
There are several settings that give you control over the output Nitro Pro creates when exporting PDF content to Microsoft Word (.DOC) and Rich Text Format (.RTF) documents. These settings can be accessed by clicking the Options… button directly within the export window, or from within Nitro Pro’s Preferences window.
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PDF Attachments Pane
April 23, 2021 05:24 PM
The Attachments Pane gives you a centralized place to see and organize and save file attachments in a PDF document.
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Output Pane
April 22, 2021 02:13 AM
The Output Pane allows you to view any errors related to JavaScript or document processes.
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Compress and Optimize a PDF File
April 22, 2021 02:12 AM
Nitro Pro includes a powerful set of tools for removing unwanted document objects and compressing images – helping you shrink files significantly.
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Open and save files to a document management system (DMS)
April 22, 2021 02:09 AM
Nitro Pro provides support for a range of document management systems (DMS). This lets you work with repositories such as Microsoft Sharepoint to upload, share, and collaboratively edit documents on a remote web server or web share.
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Open and save files to a WebDAV location
April 21, 2021 11:14 PM
Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (or WebDAV), is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol that allows users to collaboratively manage documents on a remote server. This is useful for storing files in a shared folder over HTTP, or in a document management system (DMS) such as Documentum or Hummingbird, so that the files can be accessed from anywhere.
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Open a PDF file
April 21, 2021 11:10 PM
The first time you launch Nitro Pro, it checks if you have another PDF viewer installed on your system.Nitro Pro offers to make itself your default PDF viewer, allowing it to automatically open your PDF files when you double-click them from the file browser.
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Obtaining Help
April 21, 2021 11:08 PM
Nitro Pro features a Help tab giving you access to different tools to access product documentation and other online resources; such as the Knowledgebase and the User Forum.
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OCR an existing PDF
April 21, 2021 11:04 PM
In Nitro Pro, open a PDF document you want to OCR On the Review tab, click the OCR button in the Documents panel In the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) dialog, choose whether the output text should be Searchable or Searchable and Editable Click the Options button to select a target page range, and click Advanced to configure OCR preferences Click OK to recognize the document’s text
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OCR a printed document with Create PDF from Scanner
April 21, 2021 11:01 PM
On the Home tab, in the Create group, click the PDF button, then From Scanner In the Scan Settings dialog, select your scanner device Select the sheets to be scaned, and then specify the file’s destination In the Image compression section, configure the preferences for the document’s images: Check Make document searchable to enable the OCR plugin, and click the Advanced button to set your preferences Click Scan to launch your default scanning software Click Scan to begin the scanning process (some scanner drivers require you to Close the dialog once the scan is complete) Click Finish option to end your scanning job, or select the Scan front of sheet two to continue scanning If you scanned multiple pages, clicking Finish will open the scanned document in Nitro Pro
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OCR Preferences
April 21, 2021 10:50 PM
The I.R.I.S. OCR plugin fully integrates with Nitro Pro allowing it to recognize text from scanned pages, or from images in open PDF documents. The OCR utility is fully customizable, with options to configure options such as skewed image correction, to image compression settings. You can also enable text recognition for scanners directly on the Create PDF From Scanner dialog, to automatically create PDF documents from scanned pages with text that can be modified or searched.
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OCG object
April 21, 2021 10:48 PM
This object provides support for Optional Content Groups. OCGs hold a collection of graphical objects, and are known as layers. You can dynamically switch properties of layers to make them visible or invisible to provide navigation in a PDF document.
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Nitro PDF Web Browser Plugin
April 21, 2021 10:45 PM
When you click a PDF file in your web browser, the Nitro Web Browser Plugin reads the file and displays it in the web browser.
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Nitro PDF Creator Preferences
April 21, 2021 10:42 PM
Nitro PDF Creator is a virtual printer that enables you to generate a PDF from any application capable of printing. The default settings are for your everyday needs, though you can configure the creation parameters to work in any scenario.
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Navigation panes
April 21, 2021 10:39 PM
The Navigation Panes are useful when browsing larger PDF documents, giving you a global view of the pages and bookmarks included in the document.
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Multiple documents in parallel view
April 21, 2021 10:34 PM
You can view two or more PDF documents side-by-side in Nitro Pro without needing to use two screens, and without running another copy of the application.
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Minimize the Ribbon
April 21, 2021 04:38 PM
You can minimize the Nitro Pro Ribbon to increase workspace. This is ideal for Netbooks and older monitors with low resolutions.
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Microsoft RMS
April 21, 2021 04:24 PM
Microsoft Rights Management (RMS) provides a service that protects and shares files by allowing you to encrypt your sensitive documents and restrict access to approved individuals only.
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Microsoft Office add-in settings
April 21, 2021 04:22 PM
The Microsoft Office add-ins give you additional control over the PDF files you produce, including options for adding security, inserting bookmarks and hyperlinks, customizing pages sizes, compressing images, and much more. The settings vary based on the Office program you are using, and you can set different settings for each program, depending on the types of files you wish to produce.
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April 21, 2021 07:16 AM
The Measure tool enables you to easily define the distance, area, and perimeter for a set of points based on a scale that you define.
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